Research-Led Design

Product Features

There are common threads developing in products

that support learning in the way Learniture® products do…

Dry-wipe Surfaces

Dry-wipe tables and large expanses of dry-wipe wall for example, to encourage collaboration and risk-taking in a way you simply cannot do within the confines of an exercise book.


Sound ergonomic and neuroscience principles too – a real understanding of how the human body works: mind, body, spirit stuff. If you want learners to achieve at their best, you need to look at the whole picture, not just a bit.


The colours we have selected for our products are based on the latest research in terms of how we respond to aesthetics, and our preference for natural biophilic approaches to interior design.

We love products that have more than one use – so a whiteboard that’s also a storage cabinet and a space divider (such as LearningWall). And we accept that we live in a three-dimensional world, so we’re always looking at how we can use the vertical space as well as the horizontal – whether that’s to get better sight-lines for presentation areas or giving students the opportunity to stand at a worksurface rather than sit whilst studying.

There are also ways that we tend to respond to

specific spaces within schools…


The integration of Science, Technology, Engineering Maths (and sometimes Art too) into schools can be implemented with dedicated studio spaces, specified and equipped to promote design thinking.


The boundary between MakerSpaces and STEM Studios is increasingly blurred – both encourage enterprise and the concept of discovery by doing.

Outdoor Spaces

With the enormous benefits of fresh air and fantastic light, more and more schools have started to move towards learning outside of the confines of the traditional classroom.

And of course there’s more too…

…like looking at the whole environment:

Temperature, humidity right down to the food we give learners, but even we’d accept that’s starting to go beyond what a simple table and chair can achieve!

If you’d like to know more about this, look at the work Professor Stephen Heppell is doing.

There are links on this page…

Kelvinside Academy
Ashley Hill
Space Oasis
Autism Wessex
Redmaids Highschool
Hertswood Academy
Berrywood School
SEK International School
Edinburgh Academy
Middlesbrough College
Universidad Camilo
Gagle Brook
ACS International School
NHS Essex
Fingringhoe School
Sacks Morasha
Frensham Heights