Hive is a joyful, playful honeycomb where busy learner bees can find a quiet spot to read, concentrate on their work or simply hang out with a friend.
Learners can even build Hive themselves using nothing more complicated than glue, clamps and some very big rubber bands. As well as the construction project presenting exciting learning opportunities, if your learners have helped build HIVE, they will treasure it and look after it: ownership matters because people are more invested in environments they create themselves (known as ‘the Ikea effect’!).
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Technical Information
1000mm tall x 1150mm wide x 650mm deep (suitable for children aged under 6)
1130 high x 1300mm x 700mm deep (suitable for 6-12 year olds)
Made of double-walled corrugated cardboard, Hive is both recycled and recyclable making it fully sustainable.
Maximum load
Strong enough to hold up to 200kg (31.5 stone)
Five to ten years.
Units can be stacked up to 2.5 high to form a honeycomb wall with removable felt fabric inserts for comfort.